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Jumping in my FPS causes the player to teleport instead of smoothly jumping, and gravity doesn't work as it's supposed to
I am creating an FPS game in Unity 5.0.1f1 with C# that has Quake-like movement, and as such I have used this excellent resource to get my movement script going. I am not using the default FPS prefabs, but I'm using a Character Controller for my player.
This person had a similar problem to me, but I'm using the same calculations for my jump, so that question (and a lot of similar questions I found) didn't fix my errors.
I'm not going to quote the entire script (which is pretty lengthy) but I'll post a few snippets and explain the problems I have.
I run the following function at the start of Update() to know what the player has pressed.
void UpdateInputs()
playerInput.moveForward = Input.GetAxis("Vertical");
playerInput.moveRight = Input.GetAxis("Horizontal");
playerInput.wishJump = Input.GetKey (KeyCode.Space);
playerInput is an object of a class that I have created to have access to these values all over the script.
Now that I have my inputs in Update, I handle the rest in FixedUpdate.
This is my FixedUpdate(), which handles Ground Movement, Air Strafe, jumping and gravity.
void FixedUpdate()
if (controller.isGrounded) {
//reset vertical velocity and do a ground move
new_velocity = MoveGround (PlayerAccelDirection (), prev_velocity);
playerInput.wishJump = false;
Debug.Log ("NEW VELOCITY Y IS " + new_velocity.y);
//do an air move and do gravity stuff
new_velocity = MoveAir (PlayerAccelDirection (), prev_velocity);
new_velocity.y -= gravity * Time.deltaTime;
controller.Move(new_velocity * Time.fixedDeltaTime);
I've omitted the functions MoveGround, MoveAir, and Accelerate (found inside aformentioned functions) because they're 1-1 copies of the code in the first link I posted.
PlayerAccelDirection() is pretty simple and is as follows:
private Vector3 PlayerAccelDirection()
Vector3 direction = new Vector3(playerInput.moveRight, 0, playerInput.moveForward);
direction = transform.TransformDirection(direction);
return direction;
Now that I've posted a bunch of code and put it in context as best as I could, I will explain the problems I am currently facing.
When I jump, my character suddenly teleports to the apex of his jump instead of jumping smoothly.
When I fall from a height, my character falls with a constant velocity instead of accelerating downwards.
I'm thinking that I have either confused my deltaTimes or there's some logical error in there that I haven't noticed.
Thank you very much in advance for any help.
Answer by ispeelgood · Aug 19, 2015 at 09:59 PM
I ended up solving this problem myself.
I found out through thorough Debug Logging that for some reason my previous speed Y was not saved, so I added a variable to the start of my script:
private float prev_y;
and adjusted my FixedUpdate like this:
void FixedUpdate()
if (controller.isGrounded) {
//reset vertical velocity and do a ground move
new_velocity = MoveGround (PlayerAccelDirection (), prev_velocity);
if(Input.GetKey (KeyCode.Space))
wishJump = false;
//do an air move and do gravity stuff
new_velocity = MoveAir (PlayerAccelDirection (), prev_velocity);
new_velocity.y = prev_y;
new_velocity.y -= gravity * Time.deltaTime;
prev_y = new_velocity.y;
Debug.Log ("Prev Y: " + prev_y + "| New velocity after: " + new_velocity.y);
controller.Move(new_velocity * Time.deltaTime);
And this solved both of my problems, so it shall be marked as solved.