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How to position input field characters inside background boxes
So in my game, I allow the player to enter a 10-character long code. I want to position each character inside a background box using the input field. How can I keep each character in its position while at the same time allowing the player to edit and change the entered code?
But do you want to choose which character can be changed? more information pls so there are Array to achieve something like this [c1, c2, c3] each key of the array has an index can be modifed through a function that get to change that particular index when pressed to insert the character by input there is For loop
Yes, if the player clicked in a particular box the caret should be in that box character. And as the player is entering the code the caret will jump to the next box, and back if backspace is pressedBut do you want to choose which character can be changed?
So I gave you the necessities you need if you can't build let me know;) @Smaika
Answer by Venividiviciuus · Apr 18 at 11:39 PM
I wrote a code for you try to see if it is right for you, if you like it and you want to optimize it I can continue to help you. It is necessary: that you add this code to your panel and that all the boxes are InputFields, in charactersID and LV set the value corresponding to your fields
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
public class AddLevel : MonoBehaviour
[SerializeField] private InputField[] charactersID; //This array contains all "InputField-Text" GameObject in Hierarchy (Canvas->UI)
[SerializeField] string[] stringsID; //This one contains the input values we insert in each inputfield that we will add up
[SerializeField] private InputField[] charactersLV;
[SerializeField] string[] stringsLV;
[Space(20)] [SerializeField] public string ID;
[Space(20)] [SerializeField] public string LEVEL;
private int indexID = 0; //This is a reference for the arrays
private int indexLV = 0;
private string tempID; //This is a temporary variable that will contains ours adds of strings. It will be the integer ID
private string tempLV;
private bool runOnce; //This variable is used for run a method once time and not update every frame
private void Awake()
stringsID = new string[charactersID.Length]; //Initializing of the strings for each value
stringsLV = new string[charactersLV.Length];
runOnce = false;
private void Update()
//Update function can be removed if you want to load script from other event
#region StartProgram
public void Application()
//Check if ID area isn't already used or completed
if (indexID < charactersID.Length)
if(indexID == 0)
//Start with first box selected (if-index==0)
//Updated methods
//Level ready check
if (indexLV == 0)
#region ID
private void InsertValueID()
runOnce = true;
if (indexID < charactersID.Length)
charactersID[indexID].onValueChanged.AddListener(delegate { NextValueID(); }); //onValueChanged can be found in InputField (addListener used for runtime next method)
private void NextValueID() //Selects the next input field once you leave one
if (runOnce)
//Here inserted the value we are going to add it to the array String
ReplaceAtID(stringsID, indexID);
//check if there are still fields and add index++
if (indexID < stringsID.Length)
//select the next inputfield
if (indexID < charactersID.Length)
runOnce = false;
private void ReplaceAtID(string[] strings, int index)
//We insert the input value with the position in the string point
strings[index] = charactersID[index].text;
private void ReadyToWriteID()
if (indexID == charactersID.Length - 1)
//At the end we can call the method to write the id
charactersID[indexID].onValueChanged.AddListener(delegate { GetID(); });
private string GetID()
for (int i = 0; i < stringsID.Length; i++)
//sum of each index in array
tempID += stringsID[i];
Debug.Log("Writing ID" + tempID);
if (i <= stringsID.Length)
ID = tempID;
Debug.Log("GET ID" + ID);
tempID = "";
return ID;
#region LEVEL
private void InsertValueLevel()
runOnce = true;
if (indexLV < charactersLV.Length)
charactersLV[indexLV].onValueChanged.AddListener(delegate { NextValueLevel(); });
private void NextValueLevel()
if (runOnce)
ReplaceAtLevel(stringsLV, indexLV);
if (indexLV < stringsLV.Length)
if (indexLV < charactersLV.Length)
runOnce = false;
private void ReplaceAtLevel(string[] stringsLV, int indexLV)
stringsLV[indexLV] = charactersLV[indexLV].text;
private void ReadyToWriteLevel()
if (indexLV == charactersLV.Length - 1)
charactersLV[indexLV].onValueChanged.AddListener(delegate { GetLevel(); });
private string GetLevel()
for (int i = 0; i < stringsLV.Length; i++)
tempLV += stringsLV[i];
Debug.Log("Writing Level: " + tempLV);
if (i <= stringsLV.Length)
LEVEL = tempLV;
Debug.Log("Get Level: " + LEVEL);
tempLV = "";
return LEVEL;