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Instantiation of HTC Vives CameraRig using Photon, client is moving other client's CameraRig
Hi, I have done the tutorial from Photon's documentation, and wanted to implement networking into my VR project where I'm using HTC Vive, at the moment I have 2 players connecting to a server.
But the problem is that when a client moves, it also moves the second clients CameraRig (hands,head) and I'm using Photon.isMine.
When I move the spawned player using the mouse in the scene view it's fine, and it updates on the other client too, and I cannot move the other clients Instance (probably because of Photon.isMine)
Currently I'm instantiating the CameraRig prefab, and I'm not sure if I should be instantiating the hands and eye instead. Photon view an transform script are attached to the CameraRig, when I add it to the hands and eye child objects of CameraRig nothing happens.
Have any of you used Photon with HTC Vive? What's the proper way it has to be done? Thanks!