What Are The Proper Conversions For Key Input in 5.4?
From what I currently know, they way to do an event on key press is to have an Update method in some kind of MonoBehaviour that checks for whatever Boolean and then it runs the corresponding doodads if the condition is met. I'm looking to save on performance where possible an reduce the number of reflection calls in my Unity game, so I don't want Update being called to check for a key press isn't going to be constantly pressed. I feel like having several entities on screen that all use Update can be a severe performance drop.
Is there some kind of event method I can use that only gets called when a key is pressed then I check for which key was pressed? I've seen example of this done in OnGUI, but isn't everything to do with GUI scripting being depreciated in favor of more Canvas based things? I don't really want to regress if that's the case.