ARKit how to get maximum FOV non-cropped camera video texture?
We develop dynamic AR shooter game and the awareness of the AR environment is crucial. Using iPhone X as a test device I found camera FOV very limiting, its only 30 degrees. As I understand it is cropped to fill the wide 21:9 iPhone X screen by default. In this game, there will be UI elements that can fill empty space on sides.
Is it possible to get full size 16:9 texture in Unity ARKit plugin?
How do I need to modify UnityARVideo script to get a noncropped texture on screen? Do I need to write a native plugin to achieve that?
What is the real size of texture native session texture handlers and where does the video cropping process occur to fill iPhone X display?
With iPhone usually, you can take photos with 4:3 format, is it possible to start AR session with that widest format?