Question by
skaughtnewcomb · Mar 07, 2019 at 12:49 AM ·
animation2d2d-platformertilemap2d animation
Animated Tiles with using triggers (animating grass)
(2D) Hey folks, I'm looking to take a rule tile or animation tile to trigger an animation with a collision, then stop when it is done its animation. I understand I could make them individual game objects by a prefab brush with animation by doing an if(ontriggerEnter2D> compair.tag){animator.setTrigger("Move"); } but this will add a large amount of gameobjects into my scene. I would imagine I'd rather have a rule tile (or something similar) on a grid that could detect individual collisions such as a player or wind. Any advice? Should I even care about the number of game objects (ignore doing through tilemaps and make a ton of objects through prefab brush)?
Im trying to make grass react when a player steps on it. Thanks in advance