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Are the gamepad Inputs different between firefox and chrome in webGL?
I ask in hopes I can find out if it is something I am doing/Not doing. I'm working on a 2d platformer and my Keyboard Input works fine, and my DS4 controller works perfect in FireFox. When i test the game on chrome Keyboards still works, but the gamepad is all wacko. GetButtonDown for some reason acts like GetButton and gives a Turbo Mode style reaction. Some buttons are mapped wrong and some don't register at all.
on FireFox if i use the DS4 by itself work fine, if i emulate Xbox using Inputmapper ver Still works as it should, Keyboard input is as should be aslo. on Chrone Keyboards is all that works. DS4, and Emulated Xbox react funky. All is well in a StandAlone build, its just present in Chome and a WebGl Build.
I'm am using a modified version of CrossPlatformInputManager, Unity3d 5.6.0f3 (the problem was present in other versions of unity)
I'm at a dead end trying to figure this out. Is this just a bug in WebGl or Chrome.
Edit: I have also noticed that using the DS4 in wireless mode within the editor also give a different mapping.