Unity Facebook SDK - Scores Paging and Pagination
Hi there,
I am retrieving Facebook Friends scores using the unity FB API, and it is working as expected.
HttpMethod.GET, callback);`
However, I want to only load a few scores at a time (~10), and then allow the user to 'Load More Scores', essentially I want to be able to specify the following in my request:
offset = start location
limit = number of scores to return
I can see examples for how to do this with every type of Facebook SDK except for the C# one (https://developers.facebook.com/docs/php/howto/example_pagination_basic).
All I am able to do is a set a limit through user.limit(x) and this is it. How do I retrieve scores 1 - 5, then 6 - 10, then 11 - 15, etc.? Thanks
I have also posted this here: https://github.com/facebook/facebook-sdk-for-unity/issues/78