Unable to open projet - MovedFromExtractor problem
using 2021.1.16f1, I'm unable to open a project. The project works well on other computers but not on mine. I've been trying to uninstall unity, vs studio , re install.. but no way.
Lookng a the editor.log file, I've a lot of errors of type:
CommandLineD:\unityEditors\2021.1.16f1\Editor\Data\Tools\netcorerun\netcorerun.exe" "D:/unityEditors/2021.1.16f1/Editor/Data/Tools/ScriptUpdater/ApiUpdater.MovedFromExtractor.exe" "Library\Bee\artifacts\movedfrom\UnityEditor.UIServiceModule.dll_258431134091491462.movedfrom" "D:\unityEditors\2021.1.16f1\Editor\Data\Managed\UnityEngine\UnityEditor.UIServiceModule.dll" ##### ExitCode 1 ##### Output Le chemin d'acc�s sp�cifi� est introuvable. (pathname not found)
The Library\Bee\artifacts\movedfrom\ is currently empty.
Then, I have a lots (86) of "Le chemin d'acc�s sp�cifi� est introuvable."(pathname not found) errors after the following command : "D:/unityEditors/2021.1.16f1/Editor/Data/Tools/Roslyn/csc.exe" /nostdlib /noconfig /shared "@Library/Bee/artifacts/2100b0aE.dag/UnityEngine.TestRunner.rsp"
Any ideas?