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$$anonymous$$ · Aug 11, 2017 at 04:39 PM ·
2drotationrigidbody2dcollision detectioncollision2d
Check if rocket has stopped moving and landed perfectly (check the speed at it has landed and if a specific collider is colliding)
I'm making a 2D rocket game where the player has to land perfectly. After making all the controls, I'm stuck in the part where I need to check if it has actually landed perfectly. What I want to consider as perfectly is that only the landing gear is touching the ground (a specific collider) and the rocket touch the ground at a speed that doesn't go over the limits.
First, how do I check that a specific collider (the object has more than one) has touched the ground between a certain rotation margin?. And second, how to check the speed at it touched the ground?
I know I should make all of this separate questions, but I don't really want to flood Unity Answers with this.