unity visual studios not working properly
I think I'm missing all of the unity stuff in visual studios?
so nothing turn blue or light blue for me and i have to type out everything and nothing auto fills like it normally would. at the top where it says MonoBehaviour that is just black and when I try and use methods they are just brown. for example void OnMouseDown the void is dark blue but the OnMouseDown is brown and I have to type it all out like its not already there. same as when I do something like GetComponent() its all black and none of it was auto populating for me or it didn't even give me a drop down to select the option. it all still works and does what i want it to (so far) I just find it odd that it isn't working properly.
I checked and I do have the unity extension installed (visual studio 2019 tools for unity) but I'm not sure if its the right one, not complete or something else. I am very confused and if someone could help me I would greatly appreciate it!