My code is not cycling through an array as expected
have another issues with my code
I'm trying to get the 'player' to continue on after he jumps (see code) but what he does is return back to the 'jumpPosition' transform without continuing on to the next point
Please help
Here is the Code I have used:
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Events;
public class MovementController : MonoBehaviour
// public GameObject playerToMove; // not sure why I need this
public float moveSpeed; // move speed of the player going from player postion to current point, possible to use somewhere else
private Transform currentPoint; // used to determine where the next point the player has to move by cycling through 'points' array
public Transform jumpPoint; // used as a location trigger to tell the player when to jump -- will be attempting to make into an array
public Transform crouchPoint; // used as a location trigger to tell the player when to crounch -- will be attempting to make into an array
public Transform[] points; // an array of location for the 'currentPoint' to cycle through
public float maxPause = 100; // used to determine the length of time between when the player arrives at the 'currentPoint' and when to leave said point; default = 100
public float reducedPause = 2; // used to set 'maxPause' to a smaller number so that player won't keep jumping/crouching
public TestCharacterController2D controller; // acceses the TestCharacterController2D script (I didnt write this script but plan to modiify) used for basic move, jump, and crouch funtions
public Animator animator; // my attempt to find the player's animator
public bool isRight; // used to to determine which way the character is facing -- I think this can be accesed through the 'controller' variable (TestCharacterController2D script)
private bool jump; // to tell the 'controller' when to jump
private bool crouch; // to tell the 'controller' when to crouch
private bool pause = false; // used to determine when the player arrives at the 'currentPoint' and the 'maxPause' countdown begins
public int pointsSelection; // used to cycle the 'points' array when maxPause cycle is over and player is at current point
// public float jumpHeight = 100f; // not sure why used
void Start() // looking into 'onAwake' maybe? (or others)
currentPoint = points[pointsSelection]; // sets currentPoint to default location ('pointSelection' is 'publc' so can be modified in Unity
isRight = true; // player starts facing right -- as per character animations
void Update() // not sure if should have more in 'FixedUpdate' or others (maybe?)
jump = false;
if (Vector2.Distance(transform.position, currentPoint.position) < 0.05f)
// checks to see if player is at 'currentPoint'
pause = true; // starts the pause sequenece
Debug.Log("Pause = " + pause);
if (pause) // when the movement is pause do the the following
moveSpeed = 0;
animator.SetFloat("Speed", 0); // player stops moving -- works!
if (maxPause <= 100) // checks to see if still paused
Debug.Log("this is maxPause: " + maxPause);
if (maxPause < 0) // found 'maxPause' was going to far below zero
maxPause = 0;
maxPause--; // reduce pause amount (working way out of loop)
if (maxPause == 0) // when 'maxPause' timer has finished
pointsSelection++; // move to next point
maxPause = 100; // reset 'maxPause' timer
pause = false; // resume 'transform.position == currentPoint.position' process
if (pointsSelection == points.Length) // makes sure 'pointsSelection' doesn't go out of bounds
Debug.Log("at end of array");
pointsSelection = 0; // start the player's movement process over again
else // not sure if requried
Debug.Log("pause = false");
Debug.Log("this is the moveSpeed " + moveSpeed);
Debug.Log("pointsSelection: " + pointsSelection);
if (Vector2.Distance(transform.position, jumpPoint.position) < 0.05f && jumpPoint == currentPoint) // conditions for the jump action (automatic) -- I fell the whole thing needs to be more elaborate ** WORK IN PROGRESS **
jump = true;
jump = false;
currentPoint = points[pointsSelection]; // moved to line 130 -- not sure if better here
void FixedUpdate()
if (isRight && transform.position.x > currentPoint.position.x) // flipping the character -- I'm pretty sure I can use TestCharacterController2D to do this for me, this is comparing the player's 'transform'
moveSpeed = -0.25f; // tells controller to head in the left direction
isRight = false; // no longer facing right
if (!isRight && transform.position.x < currentPoint.position.x) // reverse of above
moveSpeed = 0.25f; // tells controller to head in the right direction
isRight = true; // no longer facing left
if (moveSpeed > 0 || moveSpeed < 0)
animator.SetFloat("Speed", 1); // player starts PlayerRun animation -- works!
// Move our character
controller.Move(moveSpeed, crouch, jump); // draws from the TestCharacterController2D script
public void OnLanding()
animator.SetBool("Jumped", false);
Here's what unity is doing: (see gif)
Answer by Neo_Genesis10 · Jan 07, 2019 at 03:52 PM
I can see one particular issue which could be the cause. You have a line of code which subtracts 1 from the maxPause value. This immediately follows the error checking which checks if it's less than zero. This should be the other way around. This means that the following line which checks if the value is equal to zero may not actually occur.
You can mitigate this entirely of course by swapping the line if (maxPause <= 100) to if (maxPause > 0). Unless you have a different need for values above 100, this simple change would prevent it dropping below zero in the first place.
It works!!!! ..... i think I have a little more debugging to do but thanks for the tip!!