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What does Audio CPU Usage mean in the Profiler?
I've searched everything and can't find a simple explanation of what Audio CPU Usage refers to in the Profiler stats. Here's the closest I could find: "CPU usage can be seen in the bottom." http://docs.unity3d.com/Documentation/Manual/ProfilerAudio.html
Is it the total percentage of CPU all audio tasks take up?
Is it the percentage taken up of some CPU quota allotted for audio tasks?
Or maybe even something else?
I ask these questions because the CPU usage audio tasks seem to be taking up - 40-60% - does not seem to add up to various tasks shown in the CPU section, which should be about half that.
Answer by AndyMartin458 · Jan 09, 2014 at 11:34 PM
According to the documentation, it is, as you guessed, the total percentage of CPU all audio tasks take up. I'm interpreting that to mean that it is tracking the CPU usage of any tasks which are calling audio functions and playing audio. There won't be a CPU quota for audio because some games might want to dedicate nearly all of their CPU to audio tasks. (for example %80 of the CPU could be performing audio related tasks, and that would be fine)
That is my interpretation of "it's contribution to the CPU chart is highlighted" found here http://docs.unity3d.com/Documentation/Manual/ProfilerCPU.html
I updated my post to be a little more clear. I guess I'm just confused because the numbers of the various contributions don't seem to be adding up to the huge amount I see from Audio CPU Usage.
@God_at_play I can't be sure what the ultimate issue is. Sounds like a question for someone at Unity specifically.