Following through terrain with FPSController
Currently running 5.6.2f1
Using Terrain Composer 2
Everything was fine until I started adding trees. At first I fell through terrain, now I do not move at all...
I deleted the "Characters" folder and reimported to make sure I hadn't inadvertently modified the code or checked a random box without looking.
Default FPSController Rigidbody has "Use Gravity" & "Is Kinematic" enabled. Does not have any other colliders at this time.
In the terrain collider, if I turn off "Enable Tree Colliders" it works just fine (except the whole walking through trees).
I followed the troubleshooting "checklist" here:
I even deleted the rigidbody collider and replaced it with a capsule collider like this guy elluded to here:
If I uncheck the "Is Kinematic" option on the FPS controller I fall VERY slowly through the terrain (while tree collidier is enabled).
If I uncheck "Use Gravity" I float in place with zero movement, and if I uncheck both I get the same stuck-in-the-sky nightmare as just unchecking "Use Gravity".
I created a sphere and it falls without any issue which would make me think it is the FPS Controller, except the FPS Controller works just fine if I turn off the "Tree Collider" in the Terrain Collider.
Lastly, this may or may not be related but my compiler is throwing errors about "Invalid AABB result" ever since I added trees as well. I deleted them (or as many as I can find, chances are there is at least still one tree somewhere on the terrain). Any ideas?