Need help aligning animations to a top down dual joystick shooter. Plz!!
I am working on a top-down dual joystick shooter testing it with my xbox controller. I have the basics done where he will run (with the left joystick input) and when I use the right joystick he will rotate and play animation (for firing) but... how do I play animations according to the Z axis of the right joystick( which is my lookat rotationlink text)? Right now he just plays animation according to raw input. For example, if I am am having him aim right with the right Joystick but push up, he goes into a "forward walk" instead of a "left strafe". The script is attached. Hell, I'll even throw in a Starbucks gift card ($5) if someone can help. No shipping overseas tho... can't go there.
You said left stick was for movement, so if you push Up and your player moves forward, that's exactly what he should do. Remember, you have rightstick for ai$$anonymous$$g only. It wouldn't make sense to make the player walk in the direction of your aim, not in a top down game. Imagine you press up, but are ai$$anonymous$$g down, now you guy is going down but you are pressing up....that would just be totally too confusing to control. To me, it sounds as if everything is working just fine.
Answer by cpsstudios · Jan 09, 2016 at 09:38 PM
@Vintar-Thanks for your time and quick reply... I hear you and maybe the way I explained it was not clear... I am building a mobile game and I would like the controls to echo "Xenowerk". If you Youtube it maybe it will shed light on my dilemma. Again, appreciate it.