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Why don't the terrain size I set in Terraindata match the size of the terrain that is created ?
I tried posting under helproom but that part of the site seems pretty dead so I will try again here.
I been playing around with creating terrains programatically, but it seems that I can't get the size of my terrain to match up with what I want it to be. The terrain i am getting after calling the createTerrainGameObject funtion is way bigger then the size i set it to be.
There seems to be some kind of relationship between size and heightmap resolution. When I have the size 300x300 and the heightmap resolution at 1025 (and the grid of floats at 1025x1025) the object I get is 9600 x9600. If I reduce the heightmap resolution to half, 513 (and the gird of floats to that as well) the size now is 4800. There seems to be some other factor at play here, multiplying my size, to be some kind of a factor of how big my heightmap resolution is.
Could someone please elaborate a little bit to me how this works, for instance: How would I go about creating a terrain that is 300 x 300 world units in size, but the terrain is a mesh that is 1025x1025 ? Please let me know if there is any other information I can provide to help make my dilemma a bit clearer.
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