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Too subjective and argumentative
How to better teach people?
I just ran over a couple of posts, all with the same issue, translating rigidbodies. This is getting tedious and it seems as if people prefer asking before analyzing. At least taking a glimpse at how things work. Like buying a light switch and asking "how do I turn it on", geez... The majority of uses didn't seem very self educational, properly searching for already asked and answered question and first of all not knowing how to analyze their own problems properly.
This has become more of a complaint than a question, but I just wanted to trigger thinking about how people could be directed into not doing these mistakes all the time.
Can answers do it? The forum? The docs? Maybe the hurdle for asking is not high enough.
$$anonymous$$any high-rep users like answering the same old Qs over and over again.
On that topic, what's up with http://answers.unity3d.com/questions/1368827/what-exactly-timedeltatime-is.html ? The user is named "I-don't-want-to-work," it's a hard to read duplicate, and you (hexagonus) and Bunny123 both wrote serious (I think?) replies.
Not a problem. I'd personally rather it be in the HelpRoom. But it's the sort of thing that encourages "ask first, read the manual later."
What's your suggestion? Ignoring questions leads to the impression, there's no help at all.
Redirecting questions is quite hard. I tried that several times and even though I copy and pasted the question title, it didn't show up in the search bar for redirections.
The 5 pickable reasons for a reject often do not fit and keep me from using them.
And just a question, but why isn't there some Unity employee actively supervising answers and or the active moderators to keep them streamlined? Where ahould the quality improvement come from?
On the one hand I like to help, but in the other answers sometimes feels like a big trashcan for everything... Sorry for saying it like that.
$$anonymous$$ by example. If you think a Q is an easy search, move it out of the section for good Qs (into the HelpRoom.) Possibly write a short, polite comment about googling. Not only might that help the poster, but it might help other repliers ("oh, everything I might write is described better in the top 5 search results.)
If you answer it, esp in Default, you're encouraging bad behavior.
Reject them with comment. Common questions are not to be published but we're all failing our 'job' by keeping them. There is no reason why any of these simplistic questions should be published. We are allowing people to ignore the rules and it has a knock-on effect; even in the Help-room.
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