HDRP Render ObjectIDs to Texture
I know this has been asked before, but well, no one ever answered it.
Is there a way to render things like ObjectIDs, PrimitiveIDs, and/or InstanceIDs in HDRP to a RenderTexture? More specifically, is there a way to do this with Unity 2019.4 LTS and HDRP 7.5 (or 7.6)? I noticed in the docs that 2020.3 LTS might have something I can use, but that doesn't matter if I can't get approval to upgrade the project to Unity 2020.3 LTS. Also, there's a lot of other code that was built on top of how both Unity Recorder and AOV Recorder work in Unity 2019 LTS, so upgrading to Unity 2020.3 LTS isn't straightforward when dealing with a time sensitive project that has milestones to meet.
Right now I'm trying to use the Custom Shader Pass System that's built into HDRP 7.5 because we're already using that to pull out other data. But, I honestly have no idea how I would pull this information in HDRP, much less make into a system that can be toggled on and off.