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Controller like CubeWorld
Hi, i'm having issues with my controller. I'd like to make a controller like the CubeWorld's one : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mBePdtnC_28
Indeed, i dont get how to make a smooth movement. I've tried the Vector3.Slerp but it's to go to one point to an other. In this system i'm using "arrows" and i make my character constantly rotating. If you watch closer the character continues to move slower and slower when the man releases his key.
My code is here :
public class ControllerScript : MonoBehaviour { public float gravity = 5.0F; public float jumpspeed = 5.0F; public float speed = 5.0F; public float rotateSpeed = 125.0F; public Transform playerCamera; private Vector3 moveDirection = Vector3.zero; private float vertVel = 0.0F; private float turnToValue; private int moving; private Vector3 targetDirection; private Vector3 wantedDirection; void Update () { CharacterController controller = GetComponent<CharacterController>(); Screen.showCursor = false; inputFunction(); if(Input.GetKey("z") || Input.GetKey("d") || Input.GetKey("q") || Input.GetKey("s")){ moving = 1; transform.rotation = Quaternion.Lerp(transform.rotation, Quaternion.Euler(new Vector3(0,playerCamera.eulerAngles.y+turnToValue,0)), Time.deltaTime * rotateSpeed); }else if(!controller.isGrounded){ moving = 1; }else moving = 0; moveDirection = new Vector3(0,0,moving*speed); moveDirection = transform.TransformDirection(moveDirection); //targetDirection = new Vector3(Input.GetAxis("Horizontal"), 0, Input.GetAxis("Vertical")); //moveDirection = Vector3.Slerp(transform.position, targetDirection, 1); //moveDirection = (moveDirection.normalized * speed); if (controller.isGrounded) { if (Input.GetButton ("Jump")) { vertVel = jumpspeed; } } vertVel -= gravity * Time.deltaTime; moveDirection.y = vertVel; controller.Move(moveDirection * Time.deltaTime); } void inputFunction(){ //Normal Axes if(Input.GetKey("z") && !Input.GetKey("d") && !Input.GetKey("q")){ turnToValue=0; } if(Input.GetKey("s") && !Input.GetKey("d") && !Input.GetKey("q")){ turnToValue=180; } if(Input.GetKey("d") && !Input.GetKey("z") && !Input.GetKey("s")){ turnToValue=90; } if(Input.GetKey("q") && !Input.GetKey("z") && !Input.GetKey("s")){ turnToValue=-90; } //Diagonal if(Input.GetKey("z") && Input.GetKey("d")){ turnToValue=45; } if(Input.GetKey("z") && Input.GetKey("q")){ turnToValue=-45; } if(Input.GetKey("s") && Input.GetKey("d")){ turnToValue=135; } if(Input.GetKey("s") && Input.GetKey("q")){ turnToValue=-135; } if(Input.GetMouseButton(0)){ transform.eulerAngles = new Vector3(0, playerCamera.eulerAngles.y, 0); } } }
I dont get too how to let my character move while he is jumping.
if(Input.GetKey("z") || Input.GetKey("d") || Input.GetKey("q") || Input.GetKey("s")){
moving = 1;
transform.rotation = Quaternion.Lerp(transform.rotation, Quaternion.Euler(new Vector3(0,playerCamera.eulerAngles.y+turnToValue,0)), Time.deltaTime * rotateSpeed);
}else if(!controller.isGrounded){
moving = 1;
}else moving = 0;
If u have any help or improvement thanks you.