Question by
gamer4717 · Apr 30, 2017 at 02:33 PM ·
How to convert splat map to regular ol' map of terrain
So I've trying to make just a texture2d of my terrain. What I have done so far is get the average pixel of each surface texture in an array and now I'm stuck. How can I use the splat map(s) to piece together a satellite image of the terrain?
public class TerrainSatteliteCalculator : MonoBehaviour {
public TerrainData td;
public Texture2D[] textures;
public Color[] avgColors;
public Object[] terrainPrefabs;
public void getColorData () {
//grabs terrain data
td = td = Resources.Load("Terrains/" + SelectTerrainMenu.publicTerrainList[SelectTerrainMenu.terrainIndex]) as TerrainData;
//setup arrays
int length = td.splatPrototypes.Length;
textures = new Texture2D[length];
avgColors = new Color[length];
//converts splatprotos to t2d
int i = 0;
foreach(SplatPrototype splt in td.splatPrototypes)
textures[i] = splt.texture;
//gets the average color of each t2d
i = 0;
foreach (Texture2D t2d in textures)
Color[] colors = t2d.GetPixels();
Color myColor = colors[0];
for (int a = 1; a < colors.Length; a++)
myColor = Color.Lerp(myColor, colors[a], .5f);
avgColors[i] = myColor;
//this is where im stuck at. Basically I need to figure out how I can use the splatAlpha textures in order to get a sattelite map of my terrain
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