Tracking a simple object by color using webcam?
Hey there, folks. I'm looking to have Unity track a real-world object based on its color via webcam, similar to how Sony's Playstation Move controllers operate. I know Unity has plenty of tools for tracking faces and even entire bodies using the Kinect packages, but what I'm looking for is far simpler than that. With that said, I'm having trouble finding any leads.
All I need is for Unity to detect, say, a pink ball when it appears on a webcam feed and then have an in-game object follow its location in 3D space. I don't need anything more complicated than that. What have you got for me in terms of where do begin?
hmm, I have the following. have the camera render to a render texture. go over the texture and search it for pink pixels and save $$anonymous$$s and maxs. transform the center of that quad into world space.
It's an old post, but I'm in the same situation. How did you realized it? Is there a new Link for the asset? Or simply the name of the asset?
Best regards
Answer by yezaldivar · Nov 25, 2016 at 06:42 AM
Hello Maybe you already have found a solution for your issue, but if you are still interested we just published an asset that perfectly fit to your needs and comes with several examples. Check it out at!/content/69812
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