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How can i find a GameObject.transform with a concatenated string
I am trying to find a GameObject with a concatenated string. "SpawnPoint" + raceData
When i hard code the complete string it finds the GO, but when using the concat above it doesnt.
public RaceData raceData
public GameObject charCreation;
public void SelectRace() {
charCreation = GameObject.Find("CharacterSelectCreate");
string loc = "SpawnPoint" + raceData;
raceLoc = GameObject.Find(loc).transform;
CreationManager = charCreation.GetComponent<CharacterSelectionCreationManager>();
CreationManager.spawnPosition = raceLoc;
Anyone got an idea? thanks in advance
I can't tell what RaceData is, and that's key to answering your question. How does RaceData become something a string can concatenate? Have you used debug to see what loc becomes, to know that it is factually a match for a name? What OS are you on, are you using Visual Studio?
thanks for pointing me in the right direction @JVene . the raceData gave the name of the prefab and not the name of the actual race. simply adding the raceData.raceName solved the issue.
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