Android Post ScreenShot to Facebook
Hi everyone, I'm trying to give players the ability to send a screen shot of the level they are on so they can get help from friends. The screenshot has clues on it to obtain an answer.
I have been searching and coding and changing my attempts at making this possible for at least 13 hours now. My code is using the FB.API to post the screenshoot and it has no errors. But obviously it has a big invisible error. When I click to post a screenshot, the screen pauses for flash but then nothing happens and the game resumes. Has anyone ever implemented this into a game they have made? Any help would be great!!
I should also note that I'm testing this on a real Android device that is logged into my Facebook account. Just to clear up any confusion. Cheers
public void FaceBookHelp()
public IEnumerator takeScreenShot()
yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame();
int width = Screen.width;
int height = Screen.height;
Texture2D shot = new Texture2D(width,height, TextureFormat.RGB24, false);
shot.ReadPixels(new Rect(0,0, width,height),0,0);
byte[] screenshot = shot.EncodeToPNG();
Destroy (shot);
WWWForm webz = new WWWForm();
webz.AddBinaryData("image",screenshot, "Levelpic.png","image/png");