What to do if my game became buggy due to switching my scripting backend to IL2CPP?
So I finished my game today and when I uploaded it to playstore it showed me an error that I have to add support for ARM64 but my current game only had support for ARMv7. After googling I found that if I change my scripting backend from mono to IL2CPP the problem will be solved. It indeed solved and I could publish my game but then I found my game became fully buggy.
My game runs flawlessly in the editor or standard mono build. But if I build with scripting backend as IL2CPP it's buggy.
Note: I didn't get any error whatsoever for my platform switch.
and how can I debug a code which is not buggy, to begin with? After the problem is because of IL2CPP, not my code.
Please help. I worked for 2 years on this and now I can't publish it :(
[1]: /storage/temp/174367-screenshot-127.png