Most efficient way to store information in an inspector dropdown menu?
The answer is probably super simple but I've been struggling with this for a while... I am trying to set up a Scriptable Object that holds data for my enemies. So far it's really straightforward: I have public strings and ints and whatnot for values such as names and ATK.
So what I am trying to achieve is to have a drop down menu with a tbd amount of enemy classes and then select one of those and have the stats calculated accordingly. (For example have an Attacker category that yields HP2, ATK3, INT1, DEF2, SPD2, a Defender that yields HP2, ATK3, INT1, DEF3, SPD1, etc.)
I've been looking into dictionaries, enums, lists and just an assembly of bools and if/else statements, but I feel like there might be a way more efficient way to go about this that I don't know. I'm kind of getting the hang of C# but definitely still a newbie, so a pointer into the right direction would be much appreciated.