Relax avatar bones(muscle groups), crashing puppet effect on fall or collision against colliders
I need ideas how this could be done. For example, on player collision i want to relax players bones(muscle structure) so the fall would feel like throwing a puppet, let the physics take care how the bone structure acts.
I've made some progress with Inverse Kinematics, still trying to figure out how to apply this motion on arms and feet to move with the direction of the player game object as it collides and has force. I made mock empty game object to follow hands/legs "SetIKPosition" with delay, it works but doesn't feel right, i need better idea.
Hmm, gameobject with collider for each limb and make I$$anonymous$$ follow this collider transform. For example, i crash, player has monmentum, collider hits something and I$$anonymous$$ follows that transform and mimics like real hit? Seems very promising :D