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Emerging Gap when moving my "Snake"
Hi there!
I am new to Unity but I am not as this new to C# - still I am a beginner.
So I am developing a snake game and I made a SpecialFood, which creates 5 new tails, when it is eaten. The 5 tails are added correctly, but after 6"Tails" has moved on - a gap is emerging (see Pic 1).
I can't explain to myself why this is happening - but I think there is a problem with the list (I "storage" the tails in a List called "tail").
So this is the code snippet for adding 5 tails:
//SpecialFood -> Add 5 Tails
for (int i = 0; i <= 4; i++ )
//Instantiate a TailPrefab
GameObject g = (GameObject)Instantiate(tailPrefab,
//Add it to the list
And this is the code for moving the tails:
// Move last Tail Element to where the Head was
tail.Last().position = v;
// Add to front of list, remove from the back
tail.Insert(0, tail.Last());
If any more stuff is needed to help me solving this problem, please tell me.
Vector2 v = transform.position;
Just if you are wondering, what "v" is.
Answer by RudyTheDev · Dec 27, 2014 at 12:04 AM
Okay, this approach was interesting to analyze. I think you don't move the snake when you encounter the "superfood":
It seems v
is your current/head position. Then you spawn 3 segments there. Then you move those new segments first/next (since they are last in list). This results in a gap, because you never placed an "older" segment on v
in a sequential order.
I guess you could move the snake, and instead spawn the new segments on at its tail old location.
Personally, I would keep a segmentToAdd
counter. Each frame, when moving the snake, I would check if (segmentToAdd > 0)
and spawn a segment instead (inserting at 0).
Thank you, your picture and your suggestion to spawn the segments at the tail's last position were helpful :)
Could you implement this segmentToAdd counter thing? It sounds interesting, it would also enrich my knowledge :)
Without seeing all of your code, I can't really "implement" it.