Synchronize scene loading networking
I'm new in networking. I have done the unity networking tutorials and other tutorials in internet. Most of tutorials are related to networking in a same scene.
I want to develop an app in which the server tells which scene to load for each client. In the main menu, we have three buttons :
Op1 : which is the host.
Op2, Op3 : which are clients
My build settings are like described below :
Op1 has 3 scenes : Op1_1,Op1_2 and Op1_3
Op2 has 2 scenes : Op2_1 and Op2_2
Op3 has 2 scenes : Op3_1 and Op3_2
I want that when we press Op2 we get a notification message which tell us "wait until the Op1 load its scene3". Once it's done, Op2 can move to its next scene Op2_2. With the same way, Op3 get a notification message which tell "wait until the Op2 load its scene2". Once Op2 load its scene 2, Op3 can move to its next scene Op3_2.
Is it possible to do this with Networking? If yes, how can I do it?
For the moment, I attached a network manager in my main menu scene to can make the Op1 a host, Op2 and Op3 clients. I also added a static bool Scene3Loaded in the Op1_3 that becomes true when the scene is loaded. I made a coroutine in the first scene of Op2 to detect when the Scene3Loaded becomes true to can enable the player to load its other scene.
I tried several times but it doesn't work!
I hope that you can help me