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Is there any way to load resources from file without rebuilding the executable?
I'm asking because I need to make a model viewer, we are working with freelance artists in other countries and they need a way to quickly see what their work looks like in the engine.
Considering the usage requirements it obviously doesn't matter how hacky or inefficient the method is. I have seen a couple of other people asking similar things, and the answers are always about asset bundles, which require you to have unity to build.
Answer by Bunny83 · May 15, 2013 at 03:32 PM
Unfortunately Assetbundles are "almost" the only way to "import" models at runtime. The only alternative is to use a custom model-file-format-reader like the ObjImporter.
FBX or other more complex formats usually doesn't have a simple import script. Especially since FBX requires you to use the FBX API from Autodesk.