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noxerr94 · Sep 29, 2016 at 12:40 PM ·
Transfer bones from one Object to another (same meshes)
Mesh1: T pose, skinned mesh with bones, bone weights, bindposes
Mesh2: Random pose, normal mesh (no bones), same amount of triangles than mesh1, actually it's almost the same object but different pose without bones.
I transfer the bones with a script so Mesh2 now has bones, boneweights and bindposes. The problem is, the bone for it's hand says that it is (for example) at position: 2,0,0. This is true for Mesh1 but Mesh2's hand might be on 1,4,2. The problem comes when I want to rotate the hand (with an animation, using it's bones) because it's pivot isn't correct.
Is there a way to fix this pivot?