Question by
HotBean · Jul 18, 2018 at 01:12 AM ·
2d gametilemaptilesautomaticallyprocedural-terrain
Are there any good auto tile tutorials for procedurally generated worlds?
So I'm making a 2d game that procedurally generates a large world using perlin noise. I would like the tiles to know what type of tile is next to it and change the sprite accordingly to make the world look better. I have looked up many tutorials about auto tiling using bit masking and other means, but every one of them only deals with tiles that are all the same, like grass tiles only auto connecting grass tiles. I can't seem to figure out a way to have two different tiles, like grass and dirt next to each other, use a specific sprite I created that seamlessly combines them. I'm try to go for a world like Stardew Valley, but just procedurally generated.