Question by
keepitupdrake · Jan 06, 2020 at 07:31 AM ·
Sprite Resizing in certain Positions
Hello! I am trying to follow the "Ruby's Adventure" tutorial from Unity Learn, and I am stuck with a problem. Depending on where I position a prefab on the tilemap, it resizes and can be dragged by the player if they collide. It also don't collide with the tilemap, being able to walk on water (Which has a Composite Collider). I copied all the scripts to make sure the problem isn't there, but the problem is not solved. I also tried deleting the prefab and starting over, but I face the same problem again. I would really appreciate your help!!
The scripts are the same as in (≺ojectId=5c6166dbedbc2a0021b1bc7c#).