Excluding models from builds using "Maximum LOD Level" doesn't work for me
Hello, I want to use Unity's LOD Groups to exclude meshes from the build, as explained in https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/class-QualitySettings.html.
But it just won't work for me. What am I doing wrong?
This video shows the setup and the problem (bundle gets way smaller after removing the gameobject with the excluded mesh): https://youtu.be/s8emtsPE1nI
A "Test" gameObject with two child objects. One with a bigger mesh, one with a standard sphere.
The bigger mesh is linked to the LOD 0 group
The sphere mesh is linked to LOD 1.
In the quality settings I set the "Maximum LOD Level" to 1 - so LOD0 SHOULD be excluded
I have only a single quality level in the quality settings defined
The AssetBundle script is just the default from here: https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/AssetBundles-Workflow.html
But still the mesh gets included in the assetbundle. Why? Why??