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Android lag
My game lags really badly on android. I've searched all over the net for a solution but I couldn't find one.I have around 40 objects transforming at the same time. They come from a pool and use this script to move :
public var waypointArray1 : Transform[];
public var rotation : float = 1.0f;
var t : float;
function Update ()
transform.position = Spline.InterpConstantSpeed(waypointArray1, t, EasingType.Linear , true, true);
t += Time.deltaTime * 0.2;
transform.Rotate (0, rotation, 0);
function OnTriggerEnter(collider : Collider)
if(collider.tag == "destroyer")///go back to start after spawn
t = 0;
gameObject.transform.eulerAngles = new Vector3(0,273,0);
Here's what my profiler shows while on android.
It looks like the rendering =is causing a problem but I dont know how to fix it. The scripts are so high because many objects are in the scene using it to transform.
(252.8 kB)