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How can I get spot light direction in forward add pass?
Hi everyone, I am writing my own PBR shader that uses physic lights, so it needs range
, direction
and angle
of spot lights. I have get the range
and angle
by some trick, but has no idea that how to get direction
#if defined (SPOT)
float4 lightCoord = mul(unity_WorldToLight, float4(i.worldPos, 1));
float range = length(distanceVec) / length(lightCoord.xyz);
float attenuation = getLightAttenuation(distanceVec, range);
float cotanHalfSpotAngle = 2. * lightCoord.z / lightCoord.w;
// a trial, but not working
float3 lightSpaceUnitDir = float3(0., 0., 1.);
float3 worldLightUnitDir = mul(lightSpaceUnitDir, inverse((float3x3)unity_WorldToLight));
pbr.L = mul(UNITY_MATRIX_V, worldLightUnitDir);
float outerCutoff = atan(1. / cotanHalfSpotAngle);
float cutoff = max(outerCutoff - .05, 0.);
float theta = dot(normalize(distanceVec), pbr.L);
float epsilon = cos(outerCutoff) - cos(cutoff);
float intensity = clamp((theta - cos(cutoff)) / epsilon, 0.0, 1.0);
attenuation *= intensity;
How can I get it? Why does not unity give us this information when we need to calculate attenuation ourselves?
Solved: https://forum.unity.com/threads/how-can-i-get-spot-light-direction-in-forward-add-pass.698831/