Question by
NinjaboyGames · Nov 12, 2017 at 06:16 PM ·
scripting probleminputguitextcontrolstooltip
How to find what keys are mapped to the input buttons?
I'm trying to make a tooltip popup that has the controls for how to control a spaceship (IE "WASD to move"). However, I would like for the tooltips to change depending on the current controls mapped to the buttons (IE if the player changes WASD to IJKL for movement, it would display "IJKL to move"). How would I go about accessing the input that the user defined with a script? I've looked at Input.GetJoystickNames and pretty much everything under input but none seem to be what I'm looking for. Once I know where this information is stored, I'm fairly certain I'll be able to implement it. Thank you!