Multiplayer Camera Rotation On Client
I am making a simple FPS zombie type game and am having problems with the client being able to look around. The host is able to look around and in the inspector, you can see that the camera has rotated. The client is also able to look around, but it does not rotate in the inspector; the rotation stays at 0,0,0 even though the client can see that he has rotated the camera. I tried putting a network identity on it and checked both client and server to see if they work- they don't.
I have a MouseLook script on the player prefabs' cameras. Here is the script:
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Networking;
[AddComponentMenu("Camera/Simple Smooth Mouse Look ")]
public class MouseLookPlayer : NetworkBehaviour
Vector2 _mouseAbsolute;
Vector2 _smoothMouse;
public Vector2 clampInDegrees = new Vector2(360, 180);
public bool lockCursor;
public Vector2 sensitivity = new Vector2(2, 2);
public Vector2 smoothing = new Vector2(3, 3);
public Vector2 targetDirection;
public Vector2 targetCharacterDirection;
// Assign this if there's a parent object controlling motion, such as a Character Controller.
// Yaw rotation will affect this object instead of the camera if set.
public GameObject characterBody;
void Start()
targetDirection = transform.localRotation.eulerAngles;
if (characterBody) targetCharacterDirection = characterBody.transform.localRotation.eulerAngles;
void Update()
// Ensure the cursor is always locked when set
Cursor.lockState = CursorLockMode.Locked;
Cursor.visible = false;
// Allow the script to clamp based on a desired target value.
var targetOrientation = Quaternion.Euler(targetDirection);
var targetCharacterOrientation = Quaternion.Euler(targetCharacterDirection);
// Get raw mouse input for a cleaner reading on more sensitive mice.
var mouseDelta = new Vector2(Input.GetAxisRaw("Mouse X"), Input.GetAxisRaw("Mouse Y"));
// Scale input against the sensitivity setting and multiply that against the smoothing value.
mouseDelta = Vector2.Scale(mouseDelta, new Vector2(sensitivity.x * smoothing.x, sensitivity.y * smoothing.y));
// Interpolate mouse movement over time to apply smoothing delta.
_smoothMouse.x = Mathf.Lerp(_smoothMouse.x, mouseDelta.x, 1f / smoothing.x);
_smoothMouse.y = Mathf.Lerp(_smoothMouse.y, mouseDelta.y, 1f / smoothing.y);
// Find the absolute mouse movement value from point zero.
_mouseAbsolute += _smoothMouse;
// Clamp and apply the local x value first, so as not to be affected by world transforms.
if (clampInDegrees.x < 360)
_mouseAbsolute.x = Mathf.Clamp(_mouseAbsolute.x, -clampInDegrees.x * 0.5f, clampInDegrees.x * 0.5f);
var xRotation = Quaternion.AngleAxis(-_mouseAbsolute.y, targetOrientation * Vector3.right);
transform.localRotation = xRotation;
// Then clamp and apply the global y value.
if (clampInDegrees.y < 360)
_mouseAbsolute.y = Mathf.Clamp(_mouseAbsolute.y, -clampInDegrees.y * 0.5f, clampInDegrees.y * 0.5f);
transform.localRotation *= targetOrientation;
// If there's a character body that acts as a parent to the camera
if (characterBody)
var yRotation = Quaternion.AngleAxis(_mouseAbsolute.x, characterBody.transform.up);
characterBody.transform.localRotation = yRotation;
characterBody.transform.localRotation *= targetCharacterOrientation;
var yRotation = Quaternion.AngleAxis(_mouseAbsolute.x, transform.InverseTransformDirection(Vector3.up));
transform.localRotation *= yRotation;
I don't understand why the host cannot see the client's camera rotate. Any help is extremely appreciated as I've been working on fixing this for a couple days now. Thanks!!!!
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