Reason found - items in Blender hierarchy didn't translate well to Unity
3D Models in Unity are different.
Good morning!
I've made some models to test making my own animations and rigging with, but it doesn't seem to matter what I do, it loads into Unity strangely.
The furthest right is a screenshot from my Blender file as I have it saved. The center is Unity with the .blend model in game. The left-most is the exact same model, but exported as .fbx and put in game.
Currently the file is saved with having a pair of test ears and skirt shown, with everything else hidden. All of the things flipped on the ground from the .blend model are items not yet attached to the armature - clothes I made that in Blender still show up on the model. The .fbx model doesn't show anything but the body attached to the rig, despite clothes showing up if I upload it to Mixamo and use that .fbx.
Does anyone have insight on what's causing this, and if there's anything I can do to repair it? I would love it if I can work with just .blend files, if I can stop clothes from going into the upside-down.