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Changing texture main color causes lighting to be ignored?
The dice at the bottom were dragged into the scene manually, the dice at the top were spawned and re-tinted via code (to the same values that the prefab has by default).
Why is lightning being ignored?
For reference, I'm using default diffuse shaders.
//for ease of reading, the prefab switch statement has been omitted
inst = Instantiate(colorizedPrefabd10,pos,Quaternion.identity) as GameObject;
Renderer[] renders = inst.GetComponentsInChildren<Renderer>();
int i = 0;
foreach(Renderer r in renders) {
if(Size >= 8) {
switch(i) {
case 0:
r.material.color = numberColor;//numbers (transparent diffuse)
case 1:
r.material.color = overlayColor;//overlay (transparent diffuse)
case 2:
r.material.color = baseColor;//underlay (diffuse)
//after this it's the d4 and d6 else-blocks, then adding random force and torque.
If I comment out the r.material.color lines, the lighting remains normal, but I don't get the user-defined colors.
Oops, sorry. Edited and added it. It's really nothing special. material.color = theNewColor; Commenting it out causes the problem to not occur, but also doesn't allow for the customization feature.
It's a prefab. Contains 3 submeshes, which are all the same mesh just with different materials applied:
Answer by ArkaneX · Nov 27, 2013 at 04:17 PM
Just browsed again through your code and got the answer :)
is a class having argb values in a 0-1 range (float), and you initialize it using values in 0-255 range. This results in white color (all values are treated as 1).
Nope, no effect! :D Even pure white colors shouldn't cause a FULL BRIGHT effect. :|
Dividing the existing values by 255 produced no change, but manually changing (191F/255F) to (0.75F) did. Da fuk?
Hmm - I don't know why dividing doesn't work... It certainly should.
Btw - divide by 256f, not 255f.
255 v 256 would make the most $$anonymous$$iscule of differences. But yeah, it was weird. I just went "whatever" and left it alone with the floating point values.
(Also, if the maximum red on the 0-255 scale is 255, then that is equal to 1 on the 0-1 scale, ergo, divide by 255).
Whoops - you're right of course. But then you need to change your code, because when you retrieve color values from PlayerPrefs, you divide by 256 ;)
You are correct, sir! We call that "2am code"
(I actually wrote it last night around 1 or 2, heh)