Question by
SmashAdams17 · Oct 26, 2016 at 01:52 AM ·
unity 5spriteunity 2d2d-platformerflipping
localScale.x Affecting Player Translations
in Unity 5.4.2f2. I am using translations to move my 2D player sprite in my game (i'm not using the built in physics rigidbodies). However, when I flip my player using transform.localScale = new Vector (-1,1,1) and I press the LEFT key, my player moves to the RIGHT. When I press the RIGHT key, my player moves RIGHT, as expected. How can I rectify this? I've read that this wasn't an issue in earlier Unity versions.
edit: Also I know about the FlipX and FlipY functions in the Sprite Renderer, but they don't affect my box colliders, and that's an issue, seeing as my sprite isn't perfectly symmetrical.