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Button with An Active Clickable Area
I know there was a way we used to do this with HTML by making a certain area of an image clickable but is there a way to do this in Unity as well? like say for instance that I have a button that it's ON state will have a large outer glow on it. but naturally I would not want this "glow" area to be clickable. Can that be done in Unity?
Answer by KnightRiderGuy · Dec 14, 2015 at 11:02 PM
Well as it turns out in the case of a toggle UI button what I needed to do was make the button glow which was a child of the "Check Mark" for the toggle button, make the "Check Mark" Recast Target set to unchecked, that way the button glow is not clickable.
Thanks for the help on that one guys, I love answering my own questions ;)