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Multiple clip exceptions for a camera.
So I've been trying to use the standard asset protect camera from wall clip script, but in order for it to be efficient i need it to have multiple other clip exceptions other than just the player. I have been trying to code it, but I am fairly inexperienced and the complex coding they used is far beyond me.... I would love it if someone could lend a hand. I need this so that the camera doesn't freak out when a platform is above you and you are jumping, but I don't want it to go through walls. I am also using the standard assets third person pivot based camera controller.
Answer by jylehr · Jun 02, 2015 at 04:46 PM
I figured this out myself. I just hadn't researched raycasts enough.... The easy way I found was to just put everything you need the camera to go through on a seperate layer and add that to the raycast exception part of the code.