UFO Tutorial, after pickup vid, my player ignores the wall collisions
Hi, after i did the pickup tutorial, and tested the game my ufo player goes over the pickup, which vanishes but the player now ignores the walls and behaves as if they are not there. when i un click inspector -> circle collider 2d -> is trigger then the walls work but the pickup doesn't work.
your question needs more explanation. please add more details. ie. did you use more than one collider for your gameObject? or not?
i followed the tutorial as far as i know but the video shows it was working and $$anonymous$$e doesn't so i don't know what i missed. The previous tutorial the player was staying with in the wall boundary that had been set but after doing the pickup tutorial it wasn't working.
i think i have it sorted out now, i had to increase the collision detection circle a bit and turn off is trigger on the player, not sure why if was on in the first place.