Question by
helo478 · Oct 19, 2016 at 04:26 AM ·
2danimatorspritesanimation controller
Issue: deactivated animated sprites reappear and go crazy on animation state transition
I am building a sprite animation with Unity 5's 2D sprite animator. I want the main animation state to play once, then transition to a placeholder animation state, with no visible sprites, where it remains indefinitely.
I have set it up so that all the sprites are deactivated at the end of the main animation. It then has a transition to the placeholder animation state.
However, as my main animation state transitions to the placeholder animation state there is a blur of fast animation going on. The deactivated sprites reappear, and spin around. I want this not to happen.
When playing each animation individually, this activity is not shown.
What could be causing this, and what can I do about it.
Thank you