Unity editor freezes when playing, i think it's the loops
I'm trying to make a loop, what it does is it'll generate a number, and then checks if the number(ID) is disabled or not if it is it'll loop and makes one again. the thing is that it has a break when the generated number is not disabled, so I'm guessing the loop couldn't find the number and keep looping infinitely?
using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.UI;
public class NoteGenerator : MonoBehaviour { public Sprite slot1; public Sprite slot2; public Sprite slot3;
public AudioSource Note1;
public AudioSource Note2;
public AudioSource Note3;
public AudioSource metronomeTick;
public AudioClip S_Slot1;
public AudioClip S_Slot2;
public AudioClip S_Slot3;
public Animator ani;
public GameObject BoxCursor;
#region note selection
public bool[] NoteSelectedByUser = new bool[3]; // nomornya itu berapa banyak note div
#region debugging
public int selectedNote1;
public int selectedNote2;
public int selectedNote3;
public int selectedDevision1;
public int selectedDevision2;
public int selectedDevision3;
public bool canGenerate;
public string[, ,] noteLists = new string[3, 12, 2]; // inget tambah satu krna integer mulai dari 0
private int noteListLength;
// 0 = 8ths, 1 = triplets, 2 = 16ths, 3 = quintuplets (ntar aj dulu yg 2,3,4)
void Start()
canGenerate = true;
ani.enabled = false;
BoxCursor.GetComponent<Image>().enabled = false;
#region note lists
#region 8th notes [0]
noteLists[0, 0, 0] = "all_8th_I"; noteLists[0, 0, 1] = "all_8th_S";
noteLists[0, 1, 0] = "1_8th_I"; noteLists[0, 1, 1] = "1_8th_S";
noteLists[0, 2, 0] = "2_8th_I"; noteLists[0, 2, 1] = "2_8th_S";
#endregion 8
#region 16th notes [1]
noteLists[1, 0, 0] = "all_16th_I"; noteLists[1, 0, 1] = "all_16th_S";
#region 1 note only
// - 1 16th sama dgn 1 8th
noteLists[1, 1, 0] = "2_16th_I"; noteLists[1, 1, 1] = "2_16th_S";
// - 3 16th sama dgn 2 8th
noteLists[1, 2, 0] = "4_16th_I"; noteLists[1, 2, 1] = "4_16th_S";
#region 2 notes only
noteLists[1, 3, 0] = "1n2_16th_I"; noteLists[1, 3, 1] = "1n2_16th_S";
//- 1n3 sama dengan all 8th
noteLists[1, 4, 0] = "1n4_16th_I"; noteLists[1, 4, 1] = "1n4_16th_S";
noteLists[1, 5, 0] = "2n3_16th_I"; noteLists[1, 5, 1] = "2n3_16th_S";
noteLists[1, 6, 0] = "2n4_16th_I"; noteLists[1, 6, 1] = "2n4_16th_S";
noteLists[1, 7, 0] = "3n4_16th_I"; noteLists[1, 7, 1] = "3n4_16th_S";
#region 3 notes only
noteLists[1, 8, 0] = "1n2n3_16th_I"; noteLists[1, 8, 1] = "1n2n3_16th_S";
noteLists[1, 9, 0] = "2n3n4_16th_I"; noteLists[1, 9, 1] = "2n3n4_16th_S";
noteLists[1, 10, 0] = "1n3n4_16th_I"; noteLists[1, 10, 1] = "1n3n4_16th_S";
noteLists[1, 11, 0] = "1n2n4_16th_I"; noteLists[1, 11, 1] = "1n2n4_16th_S";
#endregion 16
#region Triplets [2]
noteLists[2, 0, 0] = "all_3plets_I"; noteLists[2, 0, 1] = "all_3plets_S";
#region 1 note only
noteLists[2, 1, 0] = "1_3plets_I"; noteLists[2, 1, 1] = "1_3plets_S";
noteLists[2, 2, 0] = "2_3plets_I"; noteLists[2, 2, 1] = "2_3plets_S";
noteLists[2, 3, 0] = "3_3plets_I"; noteLists[2, 3, 1] = "3_3plets_S";
#region 2 note only
noteLists[2, 4, 0] = "1n2_3plets_I"; noteLists[2, 4, 1] = "1n2_3plets_S";
noteLists[2, 5, 0] = "2n3_3plets_I"; noteLists[2, 5, 1] = "2n3_3plets_S";
noteLists[2, 6, 0] = "1n3_3plets_I"; noteLists[2, 6, 1] = "1n3_3plets_S";
#endregion 3plet
#endregion list
NoteSelectedByUser[0] = true;
NoteSelectedByUser[1] = true;
NoteSelectedByUser[2] = true;
public void GenerateNotes()
for (bool f = false; f == false;) //f for found
selectedDevision1 = Random.Range(0, 3);
if (NoteSelectedByUser[selectedDevision1] == true)
f = true;
if (selectedDevision1 == 0) // buat 8th
selectedNote1 = Random.Range(0, 3);
if (selectedDevision1 == 1) // buat 16th
selectedNote1 = Random.Range(0, 12);
if (selectedDevision1 == 2) // buat 3plet
selectedNote1 = Random.Range(0, 7);
// urutan index [devision, enabled note, (0 = image/sprite) (1 = soundfile)]
slot1 = Resources.Load(noteLists[selectedDevision1, selectedNote1, 0], typeof(Sprite)) as Sprite;
Note1.clip = Resources.Load(noteLists[selectedDevision1, selectedNote1, 1], typeof(AudioClip)) as AudioClip;
for (bool f = false; f == false;) //f for found
selectedDevision2 = Random.Range(0, 3);
if (NoteSelectedByUser[selectedDevision2] == true)
f = true;
if (selectedDevision2 == 0) // buat 8th
selectedNote2 = Random.Range(0, 3);
if (selectedDevision2 == 1) // buat 16th
selectedNote2 = Random.Range(0, 12);
if (selectedDevision2 == 2) // buat 3plet
selectedNote2 = Random.Range(0, 7);
slot2 = Resources.Load(noteLists[selectedDevision2, selectedNote2, 0], typeof(Sprite)) as Sprite;
Note2.clip = Resources.Load(noteLists[selectedDevision2, selectedNote2, 1], typeof(AudioClip)) as AudioClip;
for (bool f = false; f == false;) //f for found
selectedDevision3 = Random.Range(0, 3);
if (NoteSelectedByUser[selectedDevision3] == true)
f = true;
if (selectedDevision3 == 0) // buat 8th
selectedNote3 = Random.Range(0, 3);
if (selectedDevision3 == 1) // buat 16th
selectedNote3 = Random.Range(0, 12);
if (selectedDevision3 == 2) // buat 3plet
selectedNote3 = Random.Range(0, 7);
slot3 = Resources.Load(noteLists[selectedDevision3, selectedNote3, 0], typeof(Sprite)) as Sprite;
Note3.clip = Resources.Load(noteLists[selectedDevision3, selectedNote3, 1], typeof(AudioClip)) as AudioClip;
public void PlayAnimNots()
BoxCursor.GetComponent<Image>().enabled = true;
ani.enabled = true;
ani.SetBool("open", true);
canGenerate = false;
public void AnimationEnd()
BoxCursor.GetComponent<Image>().enabled = false;
ani.enabled = false;
ani.Play("doNothing", 0, 0.0f);
ani.SetBool("open", true);
canGenerate = true;
public void PlayNotes1()
Debug.Log("first note played");
public void PlayNotes2()
Debug.Log("second note played");
public void PlayNotes3()
Debug.Log("third note played");
lmao found the issue, so I forgot to set at least one enabled number in NoteSelectedByUser. and on top of that, the user can disable all number which broke the app entirely lmaooo
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