The tutorial keeps freezing my PC.
I downloaded Unity today and therefore wanted to play the given tutorial level from Unity(the jump and run, with the blue man and the red slimes as enemies). After I played this for roundabout 5 minutes my PC freezes. After a bit everything is back to normal, with the exception that Unity is closed. There was an error message but I don't remember it really anymore. Something about that “written” couldn't work with my hard drive, I don't know. I decided to give it another try with the wish in mind that this wouldn't happen again. I did happen again. This time the error message didn't appear anymore, but the effect was also different. My secondary monitor was disconnected to my computer. I tried to reconnect to it through sticking the cable out and in, but that didn't had an effect, but a restart got it luckely back on track. Unity wasn't closed this time, but still freezed. In the end I could only close it via task manager. This is my current situation. Sadly I can't progress, if I don't finish this tutorial level. Maybe it would be possible, if I am amble to finish it before everything crashes again, but I don't want to know what happens next time, to be honest.