Rigidbody going through wall during pinch-to-zoom
So I have a rigidbody on an object and the child of the object is the camera. When I pinch to zoom, I need to translate/MovePosition the camera forward/backwards depending on the pinch. The camera is in a room that can be a various sizes and it needs to stay in the room, but somehow when I pinch, I still leave the room. What's wrong?
There are box colliders on the walls. I used the code from the Unity tutorial on pinchZoom and adjusted it to my needs.
public class PinchZoom : MonoBehaviour
public float perspectiveZoomSpeed = 0.5f; // The rate of change of the field of view in perspective mode.
public float orthoZoomSpeed = 0.5f; // The rate of change of the orthographic size in orthographic mode.
public GameObject FPSCam;
private Camera cam;
private Rigidbody rb;
void Start(){
cam = FPSCam.GetComponentInChildren<Camera> ();
rb =FPSCam.GetComponent<Rigidbody>();
void FixedUpdate()
//camera.transform.GetComponent<Rigidbody> ().velocity = Vector3.zero;
// If there are two touches on the device...
if (Input.touchCount == 2)
// Store both touches.
Touch touchZero = Input.GetTouch(0);
Touch touchOne = Input.GetTouch(1);
// Find the position in the previous frame of each touch.
Vector2 touchZeroPrevPos = touchZero.position - touchZero.deltaPosition;
Vector2 touchOnePrevPos = touchOne.position - touchOne.deltaPosition;
// Find the magnitude of the vector (the distance) between the touches in each frame.
float prevTouchDeltaMag = (touchZeroPrevPos - touchOnePrevPos).magnitude;
float touchDeltaMag = (touchZero.position - touchOne.position).magnitude;
// Find the difference in the distances between each frame.
float deltaMagnitudeDiff = prevTouchDeltaMag - touchDeltaMag;
rb.velocity = Vector3.zero;
rb.MovePosition(FPSCam.transform.position + cam.transform.forward * .4f * deltaMagnitudeDiff);