Question by
xproject2013 · Oct 14, 2015 at 09:26 AM ·
facebooksdkunity 4.6hash
Unity 4.6.8 Facebook SDK 6.2.2 - Android Build Facebook Settings don't give the hash
Hi, i already publish my apps for Google Play store several times and now after that i update my Unity version to 4.6.8p4 and Facebook SDK to 6.2.2 in the Facebook Settings i don't see the hash for the "Android Build Facebook Settings". I have the JAVA_HOME config correctly and the jdk and openssl in my path environment variable set. I can build the apk without problem but the Facebook SDK still don't give me the hash. I had reinstall all from scratch but with no results. Someone can help me? I already spent a lot of time to find a workaround but nothing seems to work.
Thanks in advance
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