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AlanParsons · Aug 30, 2012 at 10:53 PM ·
How can you hide "Development Build" text? (without unchecking)
I have discovered a problem with unity's screenshots on iOS such that I can only get my app to work when it's in "Development Build" mode. See my specific problem though I'm convinced it's a lost cause.
I have no choice but to ship my app in "Development Build" mode as I've exhausted all other options. There is SOMETHING in a "Development Build" that makes my app work as coded.
1) Is there a way to emulate a Development Build so my Unity app thinks it's in Development Build mode when it really isn't? 2) Is there a hack to hide the small "Development Build" text. 3) Will iOS/App Store reject my app if it's in "Development Build" mode even if the text isn't visible?