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i need help on this script can anybody figure this out?
hey guys today im here for some help,I need help on this script because I got this script from one of the unity website and I was following the instruction on how to use it but in a fact I don't get the instructions on how to use it.so tried my best to understand the instructions and did it but every time I make a galaxy particle my Unity 4 stops and freezes and just wont work for some reason every time I put the script in the particle system and test it,so im really expecting to get some help on fixing this problem please.
heres the script in C#:
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- ParticleSpiralEffect --
This script spawns "spiral" particle effects, such as might be used for portals,
whirlpools, galaxies, etc. Note that the script can be adjusted to spawn any number of
particle systems for repeating spiral effects. Use this feature carefully so as not to
adversely impact framerate.
Using the script:
- Assign this script to a transform or game object at the location where the spiral effect will
be centered. The spiral will be generated in the plane specified by the script transform's
red axis (right, x) and blue axis (forward, z) and centered around the green axis (up, y).
- Create a prefab that contains a particle system (emitter, animator, renderer). Configure the
prefab with your desired particle material, size and energy settings. This script will override
the Min/Max Emission settings based on your setting of numberOfArms and particlesPerArm.
- Drag the prefab to the Particle Effect field of this script in the Inspector.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
// This structure mirrors the inspector settings for the effect and can be used in
// combination with the resetEffect and getSettings methods to alter the effect
// appearance programatically. Use of this structure is optional.
public struct SpiralSettings {
public int numArms; // number of spiral arms
public int numPPA; // number of particles per arm
public float partSep; // separation between particles
public float turnDist; // distance between spiral turns
public float vertDist; // vertical turn distance
public float originOffset; // size of hole in middle of spiral
public float turnSpeed; // speed that spiral rotates.
public float fade; // fade particles along the arms
public float size; // change particle size along arms
public class ParticleSpiralEffect : MonoBehaviour
// -- particleEffect --
// This must be set to reference the prefab that contains the particle system components.
// Those components can be adjusted as usual to achieve the desired appearance of the
// particles. The parameters of the spiral effect itself are adjusted in the inspector using
// public variables declared below. Some of the spiral parameters override the particle
// component values. These are noted below.
// Here are some recommendations for particle component settings to achieve desirable effects
// in combination with this script:
// - Starting with default component settings
// - Particle emitter:
// Emit: OFF
// Simulate in Worldspace: OFF
// One Shot: ON
// Min/Max Emission: Overridden by script
// - Particle Renderer:
// Materials: Your favorite particle material 8^)
// - Particle Animator:
// Autodestruct: Overridden - ON (Prevents accumulation of used-up particle systems!)
public Transform particleEffect;
// The number of arms for the spiral effect.
public int numberOfArms = 1;
// The number of particles per spiral arm.
// Total number of particles in effect = numberOfArms * numberParticlesPerArm
public int particlesPerArm = 200;
// The separation between particles.
public float particleSeparation = 0.05f;
// The distance between the turns of the spiral.
public float turnDistance = 0.5f;
// The vertical distance between turns of the spiral.
// Useful to create a 3D spiral like a whirlpool or a
// ummm.... corkscrew. ;^)
public float verticalTurnDistance = 0;
// Creates a "hole" in the center of the spiral.
// 0 => spiral arms meet at center point.
// >0 => increase center hole size.
// <0 => arms will start before the center and cross there.
public float originOffset = 0.0f;
// Rotation speed for the effect.
// Spiral rotation only works when "Simulate in Worldspace" is
// turned off for the emitter.
public float turnSpeed = 0;
// Vary the particle lifetime along the spiral arms.
// A positive value will cause the particles to fade to the origin.
// A negative value will cause the particles to fade to their tips.
// CAUTION: Use negative values carefully as they can cause
// particle system accumulation depending on the Spawn Rate and
// Min/Max Energy settings.
public float fadeValue = 0;
// Vary the particle size along the spiral arms.
// A positive value will cause the particles to be larger at the origin, smaller at the tips.
// A negative value will cause the particles to be smaller at the origin, larger at the tips.
public float sizeValue = 0;
// How many particle systems to spawn. "Infinite" by default.
public int numberOfSpawns = 9999999;
// How often a new effect should be spawned. In seconds. This setting
// works closely with the particle emitter Min/Max Energy settings to
// achieve your desired effect.
public float spawnRate = 5.0f;
// These constants define the min and max values used for the randomizeEffect method.
public const int Min_numArms = 1;
public const int Max_numArms = 20;
public const int Min_numPPA = 1;
public const int Max_numPPA = 800;
public const float Min_partSep = -1.0f;
public const float Max_partSep = 1.0f;
public const float Min_turnDist = -1.0f;
public const float Max_turnDist = 1.0f;
public const float Min_vertDist = -1.0f;
public const float Max_vertDist = 1.0f;
public const float Min_originOffset = -10.0f;
public const float Max_originOffset = 10.0f;
public const float Min_turnSpeed = -200.0f;
public const float Max_turnSpeed = 200.0f;
public const float Min_fade = 0.0f;
public const float Max_fade = 1.0f;
public const float Min_size = -0.1f;
public const float Max_size = 0.1f;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
// Time at which the last spawn occurred. Defaults to a "smallish" number
// so the first effect appears more or less immediately.
private float timeOfLastSpawn = -1000.0f;
// Count of effects spawned so far.
private int spawnCount = 0;
// Total number of particles.
private int totParticles;
// The settings for the effect as set when the effect is first created,
// i.e. the default settings.
private SpiralSettings defaultSettings;
public void Start() {
// Record the current Inspector settings as the defaults.
defaultSettings = getSettings();
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- SpawnEffect --
This function spawns a new particle effect system each time it's called. The system
spawned is the prefab referenced by the public particleEffect variable.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void SpawnEffect () {
// Instantiate the effect prefab.
Transform effectObject = Instantiate(particleEffect, this.transform.position, this.transform.rotation) as Transform;
// Parent the new effect to this script's transform.
effectObject.parent = this.gameObject.transform;
// Get the particle emitter from the new effect object.
ParticleEmitter emitter = effectObject.GetComponent<ParticleEmitter>();
// Make sure autodestruct is on so that dead particles systems get destroyed.
ParticleAnimator animator = emitter.transform.GetComponent<ParticleAnimator>();
if (animator != null)
animator.autodestruct = true;
// Generate the particles.
emitter.Emit(numberOfArms * particlesPerArm);
// Extract the particles from the created emitter.
Particle[] p = emitter.particles;
// The rotation angle, in radians, between the arms of the spiral.
float armSpacing = (2 * Mathf.PI) / numberOfArms;
// Loop thru the arms...
for (int j=0; j<numberOfArms; j++) {
float r = 0;
float theta = 0;
float armRotation = j*armSpacing;
// Loop thru the particles for this arm and place them.
for (int i = 0; i < particlesPerArm; i++) {
// This particle's index.
int pX = j * particlesPerArm + i;
// This is the equation for our spiral in polar coords....
r = originOffset + turnDistance * theta;
// All particles are positioned wrt the local transform origin.
Vector3 newPos = effectObject.localPosition;
//Vector3 newPos = effectObject.position;
// Convert to Cartesian coords...
newPos.x = newPos.x + r * Mathf.Cos(theta);
newPos.z = newPos.z + r * Mathf.Sin(theta);
// Rotate the particle about the origin to our desired position for this arm.
float x = newPos.x * Mathf.Cos(armRotation) + newPos.z * Mathf.Sin(armRotation);
float z = -newPos.x * Mathf.Sin(armRotation) + newPos.z * Mathf.Cos(armRotation);
newPos.x = x;
newPos.z = z;
// Introduce the desired vertical offset.
newPos.y = newPos.y + i * verticalTurnDistance;
// Update the particle position.
if (emitter.useWorldSpace)
newPos = transform.TransformPoint(newPos);
p[pX].position = newPos;
// Bump to our next point on the curve.
theta += particleSeparation;
// Set particle lifetime to account for specified fade.
p[pX].energy = p[pX].energy - i * fadeValue;
// Set particle size to account for specified variation.
p[pX].size = p[pX].size - i * sizeValue;
// Update the actual particles.
emitter.particles = p;
void Update() {
// Spin the entire particle effect.
this.transform.Rotate(this.transform.up * Time.deltaTime * (-turnSpeed), Space.World);
void LateUpdate()
// Check to see if it's time to spawn a new particle system.
float timeSinceLastSpawn = Time.time - timeOfLastSpawn;
if (timeSinceLastSpawn >= spawnRate && spawnCount < numberOfSpawns) {
timeOfLastSpawn = Time.time;
// Return the current settings for the effect.
public SpiralSettings getSettings() {
SpiralSettings result;
result.numArms = numberOfArms;
result.numPPA = particlesPerArm;
result.partSep = particleSeparation;
result.turnDist = turnDistance;
result.vertDist = verticalTurnDistance;
result.originOffset = originOffset;
result.turnSpeed = turnSpeed;
result.fade = fadeValue;
result.size = sizeValue;
return result;
// Reset the effect to use the specified settings.
// Except for the killCurrent option, this will only effect the
// appearance of future spawns.
public SpiralSettings resetEffect(bool killCurrent, SpiralSettings settings) {
// If requested, destroy all current spawns of this effect.
if (killCurrent) {
// Assign the new settings and then spawn a new effect with these settings.
numberOfArms = settings.numArms;
particlesPerArm = settings.numPPA;
particleSeparation = settings.partSep;
turnDistance = settings.turnDist;
verticalTurnDistance = settings.vertDist;
originOffset = settings.originOffset;
turnSpeed = settings.turnSpeed;
fadeValue = settings.fade;
sizeValue = settings.size;
timeOfLastSpawn = Time.time;
return getSettings();
// Reset the particle effect to its Inspector established defaults.
public SpiralSettings resetEffectToDefaults(bool killCurrent) {
return resetEffect(killCurrent, defaultSettings);
// Randomize the settings and return the new values.
public SpiralSettings randomizeEffect(bool killCurrent) {
// If requested, destroy all current spawns of this effect.
if (killCurrent) {
// Assign the new random settings and then spawn a new effect with these settings.
numberOfArms = Random.Range(Min_numArms, Max_numArms+1);
particlesPerArm = Random.Range(Min_numPPA, Max_numPPA+1);
particleSeparation = Random.Range(Min_partSep, Max_partSep);
turnDistance = Random.Range(Min_turnDist, Max_turnDist);
verticalTurnDistance = Random.Range(Min_vertDist, Max_vertDist);
originOffset = Random.Range(Min_originOffset, Max_originOffset);
turnSpeed = Random.Range(Min_turnSpeed, Max_turnSpeed);
fadeValue = Random.Range(Min_fade, Max_fade);
sizeValue = Random.Range(Min_size, Max_size);
timeOfLastSpawn = Time.time;
return getSettings();
// Kill all current spawns of the effect.
private void killCurrentEffects() {
// Loop thru the particle emitter children of this object. Each one is a particle effect system
// we want to destroy.
ParticleEmitter[] emitters = this.transform.GetComponentsInChildren<ParticleEmitter>();
foreach (ParticleEmitter emitter in emitters) {
Debug.Log("resetEffect killing: " + emitter.name);
// Make sure autodestruct is on.
ParticleAnimator animator = emitter.transform.GetComponent<ParticleAnimator>();
if (animator != null)
animator.autodestruct = true;
// Now loop thru the particles and set their energies to a small number. The effect will
// subsequently autodestruct. I originally tried setting the energy to zero, but in that
// case they did *not* autodestruct.
// I originally tried simply doing a Destroy on the emitter, but got threatening runtime messages.
Particle[] p = emitter.particles;
for (int i=0; i < p.Length; i++) {
p[i].energy = 0.1f;
emitter.particles = p;
if you want the website to copy and learn how to use this heres the link for it:
please help me on this I want to make my galaxy to look like this:
or like this galaxy:
please if you know how to solve my problem please tell me thanks!